» Newsletter

The Adjuster Wants to Talk to You

The Adjuster Wants to Talk to You He or she seems nice, what is the harm in talking to him or her? The best way to ruin a perfectly good case is by talking to an adjuster. Why? Because we like to talk, and adjusters are trained to get you to talk. Their goal is to get you to admit to things that wil…
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Bicycling Safety

If you live in, work in, or visit the Chicago area with any regularity, you’ve notice the explosion of protected bike lanes, as well as “traditional” bike lanes. There are more and more cyclists on the road than ever. In fact, within the last year, Bicycling Magazine called Chicago the…
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Categories: Newsletter

Restaurant Light Fixture Falls on Girl

A young woman arrives at her friend’s wedding at the beautiful Lincoln Park restaurant anticipating seeing her friends, having fun, and celebrating the bride and groom as a couple. Instead, she left bloody, sliced open, and in need of surgery. How could this happen? The Excitement and Anticipation…
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Categories: Newsletter

What's My Diary Have to Do With My Car Crash?

Prove pain and suffering and loss of a normal life to a jury, so that it resonates and turns into compensation. Believe it or not, keeping a diary following a personal injury is a key way to do this.
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Ethics of Self-Driving Cars

The old saw that computers are only as good as the information humans put into them applies to autonomous, or self-driving, vehicles. What decisions are autonomous vehicles programmed to make and who decides what is right and what is wrong?
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Elements of a Workers’ Compensation Case

Understand the Workers’ Compensation Process - What happens when you get hurt working? Can you sue your employer? Are there filing fees? How do I pay my lawyer? What benefits can I get?
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Categories: Newsletter

What's My Case Worth?

HOW MUCH IS MY CASE WORTH? One of the most common questions people ask me is “how much is my injury case worth?” The answer to this question is far more complex than many people realize and involves multiple elements that affect the value (and success) of a case. Before we can evaluate t…
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Solo Small Practice Meeting

THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATIONCommittee Meeting Announcement COMMITTEE: Solo/Small Firm Practitioners MEETING DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. TOPIC: Top 10 Tips for Bringing In More Clients OnlineWe’ll cover the 10 things you must be doing on your website, via social…
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Speaking Engagement-A Toolkit for Starting and Growing a Law Firm

Speaking Engagement-A Toolkit for Starting and Growing a Law Firm On May 20, 2015, I was proud to present to the Chicago Bar Association Solo and Small Practitioner Committee, of which I am co-Chair, on the subject of “Integrating Your Practice Into Your Life; Or Not: Work-Life Balance, Effici…
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Twenty-Five Years!

LEGAL EVOLUTION Anniversaries tend to sneak up on us, at least on the males of the species. This might explain why it just dawned on me that this month heralds a quarter of a century that I have been a lawyer. Working as a practicing lawyer, let alone as a sole practitioner, has never been easy, and…
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