
In (K)need of Speed

Policing is a dangerous profession. We all know that. But most of us think in terms of truly dire injuries or even fatalities, usually involving firearms. Those are all terrible situations and when we see them on the news, they make us recognize how special the brave men and women who choose this pr…
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Categories: Personal Injury

Shouldering The Load Over the Long Term

This is the third installment of my blog on my recovery from my October 1st rotator cuff surgery. The good news is that my shoulder range of motion is coming along ahead of schedule. We are just at the point where strength improvement enters into the mix—more on that later. So everything is great,…
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Categories: Personal Injury

What’s Yours is Yours; What’s Mine is Yours Too?

We are the masters of our destiny, kings and queens of our castle. We live in a world where we can choose everything we experience—our playlists, podcasts, social media connections—so you would assume you have complete control of what happens when you settle your personal injury, workers’ comp…
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Categories: Personal Injury

Child Support Liens—Injury and Workers’ Compensation Cases

Many people get behind on paying child support. For the same reasons that people fall behind on paying their other bills, many people are simply unable to pay what is required for child support. Often, this is caused by a combination of factors, from underemployment, inflation, rent increases, or ba…
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Categories: Work Injuries

Rotator Cuff Recovery—The (Almost) Eternal Struggle

I have now blogged twice about the rotator cuff surgery I had on October 1, 2024. As I have tried to emphasize previously, this is a long process, with very few obvious gains or changes in status for long periods of time. I am, according to my surgeon at my six week post-operative appointment, “ah…
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Categories: Uncategorized

What I Learned from My Rotator Cuff Surgery

In a recent blog post, I wrote about my then-upcoming rotator cuff surgery. Now, the surgery is over and the long and boring recovery has begun. What lessons has this experience reinforced? Several jump out for sure. I understand even more what my clients are experiencing, and it has reinvigorated m…
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Categories: Uncategorized

Rotator Cuffs and Spinning

I’ve written about rotator cuff injuries to the shoulder multiple times previously, here and here. So if you are a regular reader of this blog, you should be conversant with much of the basic terminology and anatomy. I know I am, especially having worked with many clients who have had these injuri…
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Categories: Personal Injury

A Good Old-Fashioned Personal Injury Auto Settlement

Sometimes, I write about interesting or unique cases. Other times, I write about my frustrations with how people drive inattentively (and to go fully tangential, yesterday, while I was in the middle of a bicycle time trial, a truck decided to ignore me going nearly 30 miles an hour and block the ent…
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Categories: Personal Injury

Dog Bite Cases 101

I recently settled a dog bite case. Unlike most personal injury cases in Illinois, dog bite cases are often “strict liability,” meaning that the owner or controller of the dog is liable without the bitten victim having to prove negligence. Does this mean a person bitten by a dog is just handed a…
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Categories: Personal Injury

Can You Drive Stoned?

A 2022 crash that killed six high schoolers prompted Jennifer Homendy, the Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, to urge parents to warn their teen drivers about the risks of driving under the effects of marijuana. She alluded to the perception that many believe it is safe to drive whil…
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