Speaking Engagement-A Toolkit for Starting and Growing a Law Firm

Speaking Engagement-A Toolkit for Starting and Growing a Law Firm
On May 20, 2015, I was proud to present to the Chicago Bar Association Solo and Small Practitioner Committee, of which I am co-Chair, on the subject of "Integrating Your Practice Into Your Life; Or Not: Work-Life Balance, Efficiency, and Strategies for Staying Profitable, Sane, and Happy"
It was an honor to share the dais with such a nationally reknown panel of presenters, and it was a wonderful opportunity to share what I have learned over the years with fellow lawyers who have either recently begun solo practice or are contemplating it in the near future.
My presentation focused on practicing law while also remaining happy, healthy, and a good person. Mindfulness, awareness, and the ability to enjoy life after working so hard are ideas that remain timeless, although we all need reinforcement now and again.
The overarching theme and zeitgeist channeled by all the speakers was our shared and heartfelt desire to help our clients and also to make our profession better. We clearly all believe that nice people finish first, and that serving our clients ethically and thoroughly is the most important part of what we do.
After twenty-five years of practice, it is encouraging to know that the message is resonating more so now than ever. Yes, it is possible to be a great attorney, serve your clients' interests well, be a decent person both in, and outside of, the office, and help to educate the public about the good things we lawyers do.