
Get Off My Lawn…But Have a Drink First

As I approach 60, it is clear I have turned into many of my deceased relatives. I have my grandfather’s exacting cleanliness and order, along with his long-windedness. I have my father’s skepticism, coupled with a general crankiness and impatience, but I’m a generally social and happy human. A…
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Categories: Uncategorized

The Long And Winding Road of Workers’ Compensation

How long will my case take? I get this question all the time. I’ll bet, over the past thirty-four years of handling personal injury and workers’ compensation cases, I have answered this question thousands of times. Of course, since I’m a lawyer, the answer is mostly “it depends.” Personal…
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Categories: Work Injuries

Is Your Pharmacy Acting Like It’s On Drugs?

Recently, Walgreens pharmacists across the Chicago area have been on strike, leading up to a “Phed Up” event in May at the company’s headquarters. Pharmacists have been working without a contract for nearly a year. Why are they striking and how does this affect your health? Worker Rights for P…
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Is Your Bad Driving Making Insurance Companies Rich(er)?

Auto insurance companies are reporting record profits. This is happening because premiums are rising. That much makes sense. But why are premiums going up so much? Could it have something to do with your driving behavior? Pandemic and the Advent of Angry Driving Those who read my blogs regularly kno…
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Categories: General

Workers’ Compensation 101

Many people tune out when they see the term “workers’ compensation,” or the outdated “workman’s compensation.” They figure, “I work at a desk so why would it apply to me?” Or they figure it can’t be much different from a basic auto insurance claim. Read more to find out just how wr…
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Categories: Work Injuries

March Madness or Baseball?

It’s spring, which means that as I write, there is March Madness basketball happening and baseball season is now underway. Which brings to mind the vast difference in how those two sports take space in our brains, as well as how different people process information. What does any of this have to d…
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Categories: General

Is Your Vehicle Too Juiced to be Stopped by a Guardrail?

Infrastructure. Roads, bridges, pipelines…and also the guardrails and medians on those roads. Things we don’t even think about—unless our vehicle is sent careening toward a steep dropoff or headed toward the oncoming lanes. Most people assume these concrete medians, metal guardrails, and other…
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Categories: Auto Accidents

Can Your Body Affect Your Settlement Value?

I recently settled the second step of a case for my client. First, in May, we obtained the full policy limits for the at-fault party. Then, in January of 2024, we settled the Underinsured Motorist (UIM) claim. My client, S, drove through an intersection (she had no lights or traffic control devices…
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Categories: Personal Injury

What is “Comparative Negligence”?

I recently settled a case that was in lawsuit and ready for trial. Like all good settlements, neither I nor my client were overjoyed by the settlement. It wasn’t exactly what we hoped the case was worth, but it was certainly far more than any previous offers. In short, we were able to push the def…
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Categories: Bicycle Accidents

What Makes a Lawyer Super?

You can’t watch television, browse online, or even play a game on your phone without being bombarded with lawyer commercials. I mean, how many of us had even heard of mesothelioma before the ubiquitous lawyer ads for these cases? Lawyers, particularly personal injury lawyers, get picked on often,…
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