News You Can Use

One of our recent clients was able to recover $650,000 following an automobile collision that left her with permanent pain and bodily injuries. Some of the main reasons for our success in her case were that our client followed some of the basic guidelines that we recommend in any situation:

  • Take photographs. Photograph any visible injuries to yourself, damage to the vehicles involved, or anything else important. This preserves the scene of the incident in real time.
  • Get immediate medical treatment. Make sure that your injuries are treated in a timely manner. Any delay can be used to argue that you were not hurt, were not hurt as severely as you claim, or were hurt later.
  • Do not give a statement. Anything you say WILL be used against you.
  • Contact a lawyer immediately. Make sure that your rights are protected by an experienced professional.

Visit our Practice Areas page for more helpful tips and to learn more about what to do if you have been involved in a serious accident.

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