
In August 2017 when I was hit by an uninsured and unlicensed driver, I thought my biggest issue was the tens of thousands of dollars damage to my brand new car. After the initial shock wore off, the amount of pain experienced in both my neck and back set my mind racing in a different direction. After visits to the doctor along with starting physical therapy, I reluctantly sought advice from friends and family regarding the road I had ahead of me. Although litigious is not a word I would ever describe myself as, my insurance company was all too quick dismiss my concerns and downplay the required road to recovery. After speaking with Stephen he reassured me of one simple fact??? Although I had insurance, and as much as they were appearing to help and be on my side, I needed an advocate to monitor the situation while I focused on just getting better. After 5 long years (way longer than I ever imagined) of therapy, injections, acupuncture, dry needling, two spinal fusions, and more and more therapy, Stephen stayed by my side and kept my spirits up and paperwork in order. He advocated on my behalf at every step, and especially when it mattered the most at the end, he used every tool at his disposal to make sure I was represented properly and my health and lifetime of recovery was considered in our final settlement. Stephen obtained the best possible outcome for me and for the first time in five long years I was able to be at peace and finally start to put all of this behind me. I couldn???t have asked for a better advocate, and highly recommend Stephen as the lawyer you want to have in your corner.