» safety
Holidays, Fireworks, and Safety
June 30th, 2014
HOLIDAYS, FIREWORKS, AND SAFETY The Polar Vortex is finally behind us, summer is here, and the long Fourth of July Weekend has arrived. Many of us look forward to the holiday for patriotic reasons, while others use it as an excuse to get together with friends and family, and still others simply welc…
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Categories: General
Tags: 4th of July, Bicycling, Boating, Fireworks, Fourth of July, Holiday, safety, Sun damage, Sunscreen, Trampolines
Trains, Cars, Robots, and Humans
March 25th, 2014
TRAINS, CARS, ROBOTS, AND HUMANS In the early morning hours of Monday March 24, 2014, a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) Train careened out of control, through a bumper mechanism designed to stop it, and up the escalator, at the O’Hare Airport stop. Fortunately, it being 3:00 a.m., not many peo…
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Categories: General