Governor Appoints Workers' Compensation Advisory Board

Bureaucracy_iStock_000002879611XSmall1This recent press release from the Governor's Office--indicates just how ridiculous it is to call anything "reform" without looking a bit closer.

The Workers' Compensation law recently signed by Governor Quinn as Public Act 97-18 on June 28, 2011 certainly could have been far worse for the workers of Illinois, as this space has highlighted many times over. But the shock of a vastly pro-business law from a Democratic-controlled legislature and a Democratic Governor certainly made many realize that obfuscating what is really going on is a great way to get the public behind a piece of legislation, or at least to not pay attention and not fear such vast changes.

Now, with the appointment of the Advisory Board, which was mandated in the Reform Law, the Governor has rather firmly cemented himself on the side of business and far from the "working man." Note that this panel, while containing many excellent and eminent people with years of experience in workers' compensation, stacks the deck firmly in a pro-business direction, with Republicans outnumbering Democrats 7-5.

Again, this is not outrageous, un-American or anything else of the sort. But the fact that a completely Democratic state has now turned workers' comp over to business at the expense of workers should concern some people, namely the workers of Illinois.

Some argue these reforms were necessary compromises to prevent further and harsher changes from occurring. However, if this can occur with the alleged "friends of the people," the Dems, in power, imagine what would happen if we really let the rooster guard the henhouse.

Or have we already done that by not paying attention to these machinations?

Categories: General