Governor To Sign Workers' Comp Tuesday

Bureaucracy_iStock_000002879611XSmall1As widely anticipated or feared, the much-ballyhooed and disputed workers' compensation reform bill will become law Tuesday, June 28th, 2011, when Governor Quinn signs the measure.

Readers of this space already know the potentially anti-worker actions contained in the new law-to-be, including limits on doctor choice for injured workers, lowered values for some types of cases, and the introduction of AMA Standards in computing disability.

While backers of the bill tout it will save up to $500 million annually, critics, such as this writer, disagree strongly, claiming it will be nothing but a sop to big business and insurance companies that could do real harm to workers and their families.

Now, more than ever, you need to know your rights and the best way to do that is to contact an experienced workers' compensation lawyer as soon as possible after you are injured.

Categories: General