Loyola University School of Law Solo/Small Law Firm Networking Reception
I am very proud to tell all of my fellow lawyers, lawyers-to-be, and others within the profession about a reception to be hosted at Loyola University of Chicago School of Law.
My friend, Jayne Schreiber, the Associate Director of Career Services and Director of Employer Outreach, was nice enough to ask me to attend.
Now, it is my job to pass the word along to others who either work in small firms or as solos (or who might be in either situation in the future).
As of now, attorneys practicing in the following areas will be attending, allowing you to meet them and talk with them about their practices, their careers, and anything else you wish to ask about:
- Health Law
- Real Estate
- Corporate Transactions
- Personal Injury
- Intellectual Property
- Estate Planning
Simply, this is a Solo/Small Law Firm Networking Reception, to be held on October 16th at 5:30 p.m. at Corboy Law Center, Faculty Lounge (Room 1310).
If you do decide to come, please RSVP at law-career@luc.edu.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!